

传真: 86-21-65983267

电话: 86-21-65982651

信箱: zheyanjin@tongji.edu.cn



  • 博士, 航空工程系, 爱荷华州立大学, 美国, 2008

  • 硕士, 飞行器动力工程系, 北京航空航天大学, 中国,2004

  • 学士, 飞行器动力工程系, 北京航空航天大学, 中国, 2001


  • 副院长,  同济大学航空航天与力学学院, 2016.12- 2018.3

  • 院长助理, 同济大学航空航天与力学学院, 2013.10-2016.11

  • 副教授, 同济大学航空航天与力学学院, 2009.7-至今

  • 博士后, 美国爱荷华州立大学航空工程系, 2009.5-2009.6


  • 会员, 美国航空航天学会(AIAA)

  • 会员, 美国物理学会(APS)

  • 会员, 上海宇航学会(SSA)


  • International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

  • Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

  • International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

  • Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

  • ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering

  • SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy

  • Acta Mechanica Sinica



  • 微流体中的流动与换热

  • 表面张力驱动的机理研究

  • 飞机及航空发动机结冰微物理过程的机理研究

  • 飞机结冰的监测、预防以及清除方法研究

  • 减速伞的受力分析及尾流流场结构

  • 风力机非定常流动机理和流场结构


  • 粒子图像测速技术 (PIV) 和 微米粒子图像测速技术 (micro-PIV)

  • 激光诱导荧光技术 (LIF) 和 激光诱导磷光技术 (LIP)

  • 分子标定测速技术 (MTV) 和分子标定测温技术 (MTT)


  1. 低速闭口回流式风洞一座,试验段尺寸50x50x120cm,实验风速5-35m/s连续可调,湍流度0.08%。

  2. 丹迪公司的三维粒子图像测速系统(3D-PIV)一套,包括:FlowSense EO 4M camera 相机两台、DualPower 200-15 Laser 激光器一台、BNC575信号发生器一台和速度场计算软件一套。

  3. PCO Sensicam Qe Doubleshutter Digital 12 Bit CCD 照相机一台,可用于二维粒子图像测速与激光诱导荧光技术;

  4. PCO Dicam Pro Intensified Digital 12 Bit CCD 照相机一台,可用于激光诱导磷光测速与激光诱导磷光测温技术。

  5. Newwave Solo PIV 200XT激光器一台,可发射的激光波长为266nm和532nm,激光脉冲能量为200mJ/pulse@532nm 和50mJ/pulse@266nm,可用于粒子图像测速、激光诱导荧光、激光诱导磷光测速与激光诱导磷光测温技术。

  6. BNC 575 数字延迟发生器一台,可用于控制激光器和照相机协调工作。

  7. 江西连胜光学隔振平台(2x3m)一台、电动平移台两台、电动升降台两台,以及从Newport和Edmund Optics采购的镜片和支撑机构若干,用于搭

  8. 建光学平台。

  9. Thermo Scientific A25 恒温水浴一台,可用于冷表面上水滴结冰机理实验的表面温度控制。


  1. 美国波音公司国际合作项目,柔性通风管道压力损失测量研究,2017-2018,主持,70万元。

  2. 中央高校基本科研业务费,过冷水滴撞击冰层表面的动力学特性及相变特性的实验研究,2017-2018,主持,10万元。

  3. 同济大学“土木工程”高峰学科国际前沿性-交叉学科重点类项目,降雪条件下屋面风吹雪模拟及雪颗粒在屋面上微物理过程的研究,2018-2020,主持,50万元。

  4. 圣戈班研发(上海)有限公司合作项目,灰尘在玻璃表面上沉积过程的实验研究,2018-2019,主持,35万元。

  5. 飞行器结冰与防除冰重点实验室开放课题,过冷大水滴(SLD)动力学特性及影响因素研究,AIADL20180102,2018-2020,主持,12万元。

  6. 中国航空发动机集团科技创新平台对外开放项目,分子标定测温技术研究及试验验证,SHYS-2019-0002,2019-2020,主持,49.2万元。

  7. 中国航发四川燃气涡轮研究院外委课题,过冷水滴生成及MTT测温方法研究,2020-2022,主持,50万元。

  8. 象限空间(天津)科技有限公司合作项目,螺旋桨尾流速度场的试验测量研究,2020-2021,主持,30万元。

  9.  北京航空航天大学合作项目,薄片在气流中运动的试验测量研究,2023-2025,主持,40万元。

  10.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,过冷大水滴撞击处于流动/冻结耦合作用下水膜的飞溅特性研究,2024-2027,主持,52万元。

  11. 其他类型科研项目7项,主持,共400万元。



1.金哲岩, 'GRE类反汇总', 北京航空航天大学出版社, 2003



42. Yi Zhou, Zheyan Jin*, and Zhigang Yang, Impingement of a Water Droplet onto a Rotational Surface, Physics of Fluids, Accepted, In press, 2023.

41. Zhe Yang, Zheyan Jin*, and Zhigang Yang, Experimental investigation of an ice particle impinging on a flat plate, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 218, 104083, 2024.

40. Anning Wei, Zheyan Jin*, Shuaibing Cheng, and Zhigang Yang, Temperature Measurements inside the Melting Ice Bead in a Hot Shear Flow by Utilizing Molecular Tagging Thermometry Technique, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 217, 124716, 2023.

39. Xianzhuang Yao, Zheyan Jin*, Yi Zhou, and Zhigang Yang, Impingement and Freezing of Two Water Droplets on an Ice Surface, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 169, 104590, 2023.

38. Yan Zhong, Zheyan Jin*, Shuaibing Cheng, Hongyi Lin, Zhe Yang, and Zhigang Yang, Impingement of a Water Droplet onto a Water Film on the Surface with Micro-structures, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 676, 132125, 2023.

37. Yan Zhong, Zheyan Jin*, Miaomiao Chen, and Zhigang Yang, An Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Effects in AC-DBD Plasma Actuator on the Melting Process of an Ice Bead, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 147, 110950, 2023.

36. Xuzhi Du, Lei Zhao, Zhigang Yang*, and Zheyan Jin*, A Closed-loop Control on Temperature Difference of a Lithium-ion Battery by Pulse Heating in Cold Climates, Journal of Energy Storage, 57, 106311, 2023.

35. Zhe Yang, Botong Zhou, Zheyan Jin*, Zhigang Yang, Xian Yi, and Yanxia Du, Impingement of a Water Droplet onto a Shear-driven Water Film, Experiments in Fluids, 63, 186, 2022.

34. Zhe Yang, Botong Zhou, Zhigang Yang, Xian Yi, Yanxia Du, and Zheyan Jin*, Impingement and Splashing of a Supercooled Large Droplet on a Freezing Water Film, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 157, 104263, 2022.

33. Anning Wei,Zhigang Yang,Lei Tang,Bing Xiong,Peng Wang,and Zheyan Jin*, Temperature Measurements in the Freezing Supercooled Water Droplet by Utilizing Molecular Tagging Thermometry Technique, Review of Scientific Instruments, 93, 074901, 2022.

32. Xianzhuang Yao,  Jiajun Ju, Zhigang Yang, Xian Yi, and Zheyan Jin*, 'Impingement and freezing of a supercooled large droplet on an ice surface', Physics of Fluids, 33, 103304, 2021.

31. Xuzhi Du, Anning Wei, Yuhao FangZhigang Yang, Daniel Wei, Chao-Hsin Lin, and Zheyan Jin*, 'The effect of bend angle on pressure drop and flow behavior in a corrugated duct', Acta Mechanica, 231, 3755-3777, 2020.

30. Xuzhi Du, Zhigang Yang*, Zheyan Jin, Yuyu Zhu, and Zhiwei Zhou, 'A Numerical Prediction and Potential Control of Typical Icing Process on Automobile Windshield Under Nocturnal Radiative Cooling and Subfreezing Conditions', Proc IMechE Part D:J Automobile Engineering, 2019.

29. Miaomiao Chen, Zhigang Yang, and Zheyan Jin*, 'An Experimental Investigation of the Melting Process of an Ice Bead on the Smooth and Micro-grooved Surfaces under a Hot Shear Flow',  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 144, 118630, 2019.

28. Jiajun Ju, Zhigang Yang, Xian Yi, and Zheyan Jin*, 'Experimental Investigation of the Impact and Freezing Processes of a Hot Water Droplet on an Ice Surface', Physics of Fluids, 31, 057107, 2019.

27. Xuzhi Du, Zhigang Yang*, Zheyan Jin, Yuyu Zhu, and Zhiwei Zhou, 'A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Typical Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Process on Auto Windshield under Nocturnal Radiative Cooling and Subfreezing Conditions', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 136, pp610-626, 2019.

26. Huanhuan Zhang, Zheyan Jin*, Mingshun Jiao, and Zhigang Yang, 'Experimental Investigation of  the Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on Different Cold Concave Surfaces', International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol 132, pp498-508, 2018.

25. Zheyan Jin*, Miaomiao Chen, and Zhigang Yang, 'An Experimental Investigation of the Melting Process of an Ice Bead in a Hot Shear Flow',  International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 125, pp190-201, 2018.

24. Xuzhi Du, Zhigang Yang*, Zheyan Jin, Chao Xia, and Di Bao, 'A Comparative Study of Passive Control on Flow Structure Evolution and Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement for Impinging Jet', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 126, pp256-280, 2018.

23. Jiajun Ju, Zheyan Jin*, Huanhuan Zhang, Zhigang Yang, and Jian Zhang ,'The Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on Different Cold Spherical Surfaces', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol 96, pp430-440, 2018.

22. Sylvio Pasqualini, Zheyan Jin*, and Zhigang Yang, 'Experimental Investigation of  the Flow Structures in the Wakes of Different Types of Parachute Canopies', Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol 34, pp225-237, 2018.

21. Zheyan Jin*, Huanhuan Zhang, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on Different Cold Cylindrical Surfaces', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 113, pp318-323, 2017.

20. Zheyan Jin*, Huanhuan Zhang, and Zhigang Yang, 'Experimental Investigation of the Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on an Ice Surface', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 109, pp716-724, 2017.

19. Zheyan Jin*, Xueying Cheng, and Zhigang Yang, 'Experimental Investigation of the Successive  Freezing Processes of  Water Droplets on an Ice Surface', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 107, pp906-915, 2017.

18. Zheyan Jin*, Huanhuan Zhang, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on a Cold Surface with Different Inclined Angles', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 103, pp886-893, 2016.

17. Zheyan Jin*, Sylvio Pasqualini, and Zhigang Yang, 'Experimental Investigation of the Flow Structures in the Wake of a Cross Parachute Canopy', European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, Vol 60, pp70-81, 2016.

16. Zheyan Jin*, Zhangning Wang, Dongyu Sui, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Impact and Freezing Processes of a Water Droplet on Different Inclined Cold Surfaces', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 97, pp211-223, 2016.

15. Zheyan Jin*, YingPei Zhao, Dongyu Sui, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Effects of Ambient Pressure on the Initiation of the Freezing Process for a Water Droplet on a Cold Surface', Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 138(8), 084502, 2016.

14. Zheyan Jin*, Dongyu Sui, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Impact, Freezing, and Melting Processes of a Water Droplet on an Inclined Cold Surface', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 90, pp439-453, 2015.

13. Zheyan Jin*, Qiaotian Dong, and Zhigang Yang, 'The Effect of Single-horn Glaze Ice on the Vortex Structures in the Wake of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine', Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol 31, pp62-72, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10409-015-0009-5.

12. Zheyan Jin*, Qiaotian Dong, and Zhigang Yang, 'A Stereoscopic PIV Study of the  Effect of Rime  Ice on the Vortex Structures in the Wake of a  Wind Turbine', Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol 134, pp139-148, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2014.09.001.

11. Zheyan Jin*, Sylvio Pasqualini, and Bo Qin, 'Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Reynolds Number on the Flow Structures in the Wake of a Circular Parachute Canopy', Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol 30, pp361-369, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10409-014-0058-1.

10. Zheyan Jin*, Yanming Wang, and Zhigang Yang, 'An Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Synthetic Jet on the Icing Process of a Water Droplet on a Cold Surface', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 72, pp553-558, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.01.041.

9. Zheyan Jin*, Songyue Jin, and Zhigang Yang, 'Visualization of Icing Process of a Water Droplet Impinging onto a Frozen Cold Plate under Free and Forced Convection', Journal of Visualization, Vol 16, pp13-17, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s12650-012-0154-x.

8. Zheyan Jin*, Songyue Jin, and Zhigang Yang, 'An Experimental Investigation into the Icing and Melting Process of a Water Droplet Impinging onto a Superhydrophobic Surface', SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Vol 56, pp2047-2053, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11433-013-5209-z.

7. Hui Hu*, Zheyan Jin, Manoochehr Koochesfahani, Chee Lum and Daniel Nocera, 'Experimental Investigations of Micro-Scale Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena by Using Molecular Tagging Techniques', Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 21, 085401, 2010.

6. Zheyan Jin and Hui Hu*, 'Icing Process of Small Water Droplets Impinging onto a Frozen Cold Plate', Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 24, pp841-845, 2010.

5. Zheyan Jin* and Hui Hu, 'Mixing Enhancement by Utilizing Electrokinetic Instability in Different Y-shaped Microchannels', Journal of Visulization,  Vol. 13, pp229-239, 2010.

4. Hui Hu* and Zheyan Jin, 'An Icing Physics Study by Using Lifetime-based Molecular Tagging Thermometry Techniques', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 36, pp672-681, 2010.

3. Zheyan Jin and Hui Hu*, 'Quantification of Unsteady Heat Transfer and Phase Changing Process inside Small Icing Water Droplets ' Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.80, No.5, 054902, 2009.

2. Zheyan Jin, Satoshi Someya, Koji Okamoto, and Hui Hu*, 'Mixing Enhancement in a Microfluidic Device', Journal of Visualization, Vol.11, No.1, pp35-36, 2008.

1. Hui Hu*, Zheyan Jin, Abdulilah Dawoud, and Ryszard Jankowiak, 'Fluid Mixing Control inside a Y-shaped Microchannel by Using Eletrokinetic Instability', Journal of Fluid Science and Engineering, Vol.3, No.2, pp260-273, 2008.



19.桑旭,金哲岩*,杨志刚余放水滴在气流中变形破碎过程的数值模拟研究,上海交通大学学报,已经录用,待发表, 2023.

18.周易,金哲岩*,杨志刚,液滴撞击移动及旋转表面过程的研究综述,浙江大学学报,Vol.57. pp1-17, 2023.

17.郑诚毅,杜旭之,东乔天,杨志刚,熊兵,徐毅,吴凌昊,金哲岩*,不同参数对带粗糙冰翼型绕流流场结构影响的实验研究,上海交通大学学报,Vol.57,pp1221-1230, 2023.





12.郑诚毅东乔天赵宾宾金时彧隋冬雨杨志刚李伟斌金哲岩*,'不同攻角和翼型的简化角冰特征参数的气动数值模拟',同济大学学报,Vol.49,pp1443-1450, 2021.

11.焦明顺,陈苗苗,杨志刚,胡晖,金哲岩*,'分子标定测温技术研究进展',实验室科学,Vol.23, pp1-8,2020.

10.焦明顺,陈苗苗,杨志刚,金哲岩*,'低温环境下水滴在冷表面上结冰过程的实验研究',制冷学报,Vol.47,pp74-80, 2020.

9. 焦明顺,金哲岩*,杨志刚,'不同环境温度下水滴结冰问题的实验研究进展',机械制造,Vol. 56, pp110-114, 2018.

8. 郑诚毅,金哲岩*,杨志刚,'冰层图像的边缘检测方法综述',计量与测试技术,Vol. 45, pp75-77, 2018.

7. 简相辉,金哲岩*,'降落伞工作过程数值模拟研究综述',航空科学技术, Vol. 27, pp1-7, 2016.

6. 李强,金哲岩*,杨志刚,'风力机叶片气动外形优化设计综述',机械设计,Vol. 7, pp1-7, 2016.

5. 隋冬雨,金哲岩*,杨志刚,'冷表面上水滴结冰问题的实验研究进展',制冷学报, Vol. 36, pp14-20, 2015.

4. 东乔天,金哲岩*,杨志刚,'风力机结冰问题研究综述',机械设计与制造, Vol.10, pp269-272, 2014.

3. 金哲岩*,'飞机机翼表面上结冰问题的实验研究综述',机械设计与制造, 已录用, 待发表, 2014.

2. 金哲岩*,胡晖,'接触面温度对表面液滴蒸发过程的影响',同济大学学报, Vol.40, pp495-498, 2012.

1. 金哲岩,王强*,额日其太,'后掠角度对超音速混合的影响',航空动力学报, Vol.1, pp36-40, 2005.